
Being a family means you are a part of something very wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life, no matter what.

Ms. Stanley and Ms. Smith immediately fell in love with little Greyson. They met in August of 2011, when Ms. Stanley, Ms. Smith, and their daughter Alex opened their home to a foster child.

Greyson was a toddler when they met, and had a very sweet demeanor that was easy to love. However, it was falling in love with his not-so-sweet behaviors that set Ms. Stanley and Ms. Smith apart as truly patient, kind, and generous caregivers. They worked diligently to prove to Greyson that he was part of their family, no matter what.

The Stanley/Smith family has faced unique challenges for being a two-mom family—but they have never let this stop them from building a beautiful life and loving home. They have spent the past 8 years blending their families together to become one strong unit, based on unconditional love, patience, understanding, support, tolerance, and acceptance.

When Greyson became eligible for adoption, Ms. Smith and Ms. Stanley knew that their home was the place for him. Currently in Michigan, same-sex couples cannot adopt a child together, so one parent has to adopt as a “single parent.” Ms. Stanley didn’t even have to think about it—she eagerly started the adoption process and excitedly waited for the day that Greyson would become part of their forever family.

Greyson’s adoption was finalized on August 1, 2014, among many smiles and happy tears. Daisha Hill, their Wolverine Human Services Adoption Worker, said that “working with the Stanley/Smith family was wonderful. The experience taught me how to be an advocate for my clients. All families need support; some families need extra help to overcome obstacles and create their forever family.”

Our team at Wolverine Human Services proudly welcomes LGBTQ families of all shapes and sizes. We believe that love creates a family, and our goal is to see the children in our care placed with loving, stable, and strong forever families. Daisha said, “I love working with families of diverse structures, ages, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities, income levels, religions, or other circumstances—I am simply thrilled anytime I can help a child find a forever family.”

Ms. Stanley, Ms. Smith, Alex, and Greyson go through life loving out loud. How admirable!

Greyson’s moms go above and beyond for him and his sister, and it is truly wonderful to see how much they bless each other every day.

We proudly welcome LGBTQ families who are interested in learning more about foster care and adoption. If you’ve ever thought about opening your home to a child, please call (888) 625-8669 or email providecare@wolverinehs.org.