Restorative Justice Weekend Program

Wolverine Restorative Justice Weekend is a privately-run program operated by Wolverine Human Services (WHS). Restorative Justice Weekends offer an opportunity to focus on giving back and making amends to the community for criminal or delinquent behaviors, while remaining in the community. Restorative Justice activities include facility maintenance, grounds keeping, and community service projects. This offers clients an opportunity to remain an active member of the community and yet still provides weekend structure and support to client and family.

WHS believes that each client is capable of making positive changes, achieving goals and developing maturity while in the program. The program interventions include behavior modification systems. The system provides an opportunity for each client to structure weekend, learn new skills and progress through the program, and supports successful discharge from the program upon completion of court indicated number of weekends required. The system also provides an incentive for the client to work towards goal achievement and behavioral changes in order to earn successful discharge.

WHS believes that each member of a community has a responsibility to participate and be productive in that community. The Restorative Justice Weekend Program provides opportunity for each client to support and mend the community via volunteerism and community service projects. Completion of service hours is a component of the Restorative Justice Weekend Program and integral to making progress through the program.

Wolverine Human Services uses several different approaches in the Restorative Justice Weekend Program. Foundations of the program include staff supervision, goal setting, project/task completion and the Teaching-Motivation System. The program guides clients through the “Seven Principles,” unique to Wolverine Human Services programs, targeting pro-social skills and provides a mechanism for measuring progress in the use of social skills, responsibility, making amends and program participation.

Restorative Justice

When client in the Restorative Justice Weekend Program are under court supervision, the Restorative Justice Weekend Program focuses on community service work to be performed by each client in the program. The program provides opportunity for community service work projects in a structured and staff supported venue.

Program Completion

After a client has successfully completed the minimal requirements of the court or probation officer, their Restorative Justice Weekend Program Supervisor submits a recommendation to their probation officer and/or court for program release. This recommendation will include the length of time to meet program completion, progress made, and unresolved behavioral or treatment issues.

Program Expulsion

While it is hoped that every client accepted into the Restorative Justice Weekend Program is successful, the Restorative Justice Weekend Program reserves the right to expel clients who refuse to come to the program (two or more unexcused scheduled weekends) and for major program disruption or on-going program disruption. All incidents of absence, behavioral problems, or refusal to actively participate/cooperate will be reported to parent/guardian and the court.


In the event a client truants, all efforts will be made to return the client safely to the program. Program staff will contact parent/guardian immediately, as well as referring court or probation officer. If the client remains truant despite efforts, a Missing Persons Report is filed with the police. Truancy is a violation of court order and can be cause for a petition for escalation, violation of probation, and/or new criminal charges.

Intake Criteria

  • Both genders, 12-17 years of age
  • Clients served by the family court/juvenile division
  • Clients placed by private referral
  • Physically able to participate in various activities
  • Accepting responsibility for placement in weekend program and willingness to participate
  • Clients under Court/CMO supervision with a security level of community based or probation

Wolverine Human Services will provide transportation throughout the state of Michigan, if needed, at additional cost.

Weekend Schedule

4:00 – 5:00pm Intake
5:00 – 6:00pm Dinner
6:00 – 8:00pm Work Projects
8:00 – 9:45pm Personal Hygiene
9:45pm Lights Out
7:00 – 8:30am Wake-up, Breakfast
8:30 – 12:00pm Work Projects
12:00 – 1:00pm Lunch
1:00 – 5:00pm Work Projects
5:00 – 6:00pm Dinner
6:00 – 8:00pm Work Projects
8:00 – 9:45pm Personal Hygiene
9:45pm Lights Out
7:00 – 8:30am Wake-up, Breakfast
8:30 – 12:00pm Work Projects
12:00 – 1:00pm Lunch
1:00 – 1:30pm Discharge